Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe

Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe

If you enjoy cookies and tropical flavors, our Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe is a must-try! These delectable delights mix the goodness of juicy mangoes with the precise combination of ingredients, resulting in a moist and chewy texture that will leave you wanting more.

This post will walk you through creating these delectable cookies, which will likely become your new favorite. So, let’s get to work in the kitchen and make some tropical magic!

What is the secret to a good cookie?

The key to making the perfect cookie is careful ingredient selection and balance. The butter adds richness and a melt-in-your-mouth texture, while the icing sugar gives the biscuits a sensitive and delicate crumb. These cookies are infused with the beautiful flavor of ripe mangoes thanks to 1/4 cup of mango pulp and a few drops of mango essence.

Furthermore, 1 1/2 cups maida (all-purpose flour), 2 tablespoons maize flour, and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder ensure the cookies have the proper structure and rise when baking. Remember that the precise combination of these ingredients is the secret to making an excellent cookie, resulting in a pleasant treat that leaves everyone wanting more.

Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe

Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe

The exotic flavor of ripe mangoes is combined with a pleasant cookie experience in our Simple Eggless Mango Cookie Recipe. The secret is in the precise proportions of the ingredients, which include butter, icing sugar, mango pulp, and a dash of mango flavor. With their moist and chewy texture, these cookies will surely capture the hearts of all cookie enthusiasts. So, why bother? Bake a batch of these tropical delicacies for yourself and your loved ones to enjoy a savory indulgence that captures the essence of summer in every bite.
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 250 kcal


  • Oven


  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup icing sugar
  • 1/4 cup Mango pulp
  • few drop Mango essence
  • 1 1/2 cups maida
  • 2 tbsp corn flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder


  • Cream together 1/3 cup softened butter and 3/4 cup icing sugar in a mixing mixer until light and fluffy.
  • Add 1/4 cup of mango pulp and a few drops of essence to the creamed mixture. Mix thoroughly to incorporate the tropical mango flavor into the dough.
  • 1 1/2 cups maida (all-purpose flour) and 2 teaspoons maize flour should be sifted into the wet ingredients. Mix in 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.
  • Fold the dry ingredients into the wet components gently until a soft and homogenous dough forms.
  • Refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes, wrapped in plastic wrap. Chilling the dough allows the flavors to blend and makes it simpler to shape.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Make tiny balls out of the chilled cookie dough. Place the cookies on the prepared baking sheet, leaving enough space between them.
  • Use your fingertips or the back of a spoon to flatten each ball gently.
  • In a preheated oven, bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges are lightly golden.
    Preheated oven ready for baking
  • Remove the cookies from the oven and rest for a few minutes on the baking tray before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.


Keyword Mango Cookie Recipe, mango cookies recipe

Some helpful questions and answers about this mango cookie recipe

What makes a cookie moist and chewy?

To make a moist and chewy cookie, two crucial aspects must be considered: moisture level and baking time. It’s critical not to overbake the cookies if you want them to stay chewy. We recommend baking them for 12-15 minutes at 180°C (356°F), enabling them to cook through while retaining their soft and chewy interior. As a result, the cookies are delightfully moist and delicious with every mouthful.

What ingredient makes cookies rise?

The secret to cookies rising in the oven is a leavening agent and a dependable baking powder. Baking powder is a chemical leavening that releases carbon dioxide when heated. This technique infuses the cookie dough with air pockets, causing it to rise and become light and airy. Our recipe includes 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder to guarantee that your mango cookies have the correct lift and are not flat or dense.

best mango cookies recipe

What makes cookies rich?

The richness in indulgent cookies stems from the fat content of the dough. Butter is an essential component in many cookie recipes since it not only adds richness but also helps to make the biscuits soft and crumbly. So, when you bite into these eggless mango cookies, you’ll get an extraordinary buttery richness that perfectly balances the tropical mango flavor.

What is the best sugar for cookies?

Choosing the proper sugar to achieve your cookies’ desired texture and sweetness is critical. Icing sugar, also known as powdered sugar, has a fine texture that effortlessly combines with the other ingredients to produce a smooth and even dough. This type of sugar also dissolves quickly during baking, resulting in soft and supple cookies. The icing sugar is sweet, enabling the mango flavor to shine without overpowering your taste senses.

What does brown sugar do to cookies?

Because of the molasses component, brown sugar is noted for its rich flavor and moisture-retaining characteristics. We use icing sugar instead of brown sugar in our Eggless Mango Cookies Recipe to retain the spotlight on the vivid mango flavor. While brown sugar can lend a delightful caramel-like flavor to cookies, icing sugar complements the mango essence more effectively, delivering a tropical joy with every mouthful.

What does milk do to cookie dough?

Milk is often used in cookie dough recipes to adjust the consistency and texture. However, our Eggless Mango Cookies Recipe doesn’t use milk, as the 1/4 cup of mango pulp provides enough moisture to bind the dough together. The mango pulp contributes to the cookie’s flavor and ensures the dough is perfectly moist and easy to work with. As a result, these eggless mango cookies have a soft and delightful texture without the need for any additional liquids like milk.

What happens if I overmix cookie dough?

Overmixing cookie dough can hurt the final product. Overmixing the dough causes the gluten in the flour to form excessively, resulting in rough and dense cookies. Fold the dry ingredients gently until barely mixed, ensuring a fragile and delicate crumb in the cookies. Overmixing can also cause cookies to spread excessively during baking, resulting in thin, crunchy cookies rather than the desirable moist and chewy quality.

Since you’ve enjoyed this mango cookie recipe, check our other recipes to your taste!

At the end of every post, I suggest some other recipe posts on our blog that would fit your taste for sure! This time, I got two suggestions. For matcha lovers, there is the Easy Chocolate Chip Matcha Cookies Recipe. Also, the recipe that has made the best results on my Twitter is the Strawberry Crunch Cookies from Scratch. So, if you haven’t tried these so far, look!